I.S.P.E.F. with its experience in training and certification of professional skills, in collaboration with:
has designed and implemented a Master's degree Certification project in order to have an "objective"
evaluation for the students training paths. This is because, due to its structuring, the model can provide an
assessment that goes beyond the university professor one and which is evaluated by an EXTERNAL AND
INDEPENDENT BODY and therefore impartial.
The model is determined by a ISPEF STANDARD CERTIFICATION for the
EVALUATION OF SKILLS LEVELS acquired by each student in the
Discipline of the Master, which is the compass to identify the student:
Involvement in training of teaching / learning and the relationship with
the university teachers and professional tutors;
the completeness and effectiveness of professional interventions;
The ability to be able to adapt to the needs of the context, to solve
problems, make decisions and also original to obtain meaningful and
comparable results.
The standard of ISPEF Certification is a fundamental reference for college professors and
students, as it determines the LEARNING AGREEMENT for the acquisition of the skills of
the Master and of each discipline. The standard of ISPEF certification is defined by
measurable and verifiable indicators and criteria. The standard of ISPEF Certification is for:
assegnare una Certificazione internazionale sulle Competenze acquisite e,
conseguentemente, sui CFU - Crediti Formativi Universitari;
permettere il confronto tra percorsi formativi del medesimo Master, svolti in differenti
Università (dello stesso Paese e/o di nazioni diverse).